I can make this…

Sometimes in this world it feels like everything and everyone is against you. Everyone makes mistakes and unfortunately you don’t realise this until you have made it and by that point you need to formulate an exit strategy. It’s at these times you realise who the people are that care about you… They can see what’s happening and how you are suffering but in your own mind you know you need to do things your own way… I suppose part of that is consequence management which is instilled in me due to my job.

Just knowing that there are people who care about you and love you makes you stronger. You don’t suddenly become the incredible hulk but bit by bit day by day you get stronger and stronger to be able to tackle that mistake head on… And yeah why your living that mistake it hurts and upsets you and others around you however the end goal will far outweigh that and maybe one day those people will understand why you did things the way you did…

Its through all of this you find out who your real friends are and who’s there to help prop you up when times are tough… Those people that are still in your life by the end of it are the people for keeps… They will never understand your method or your thought process but then again sometimes you don’t even yourself. You just have to keep going and hope those people stay by your side.

They will feel your pain and maybe even a bit of anger and get pissed off with you along the way but as long as they are there it will help me through each and every day and give me something to live for.

I can make this…. Not if but when… Let’s hope they stick by me

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